Cataract is a condition whereby the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy. Mr Spiteri Cornish regularly performs small-incision cataract surgery. As a vitreo-retinal surgeon, he gets referred complex or previously complicated cases to operate on. All necessary information will be discussed at the time of the consultation.

Floaters are small dark or transparent shapes that float across your vision. They can look like threads, spots, squiggly lines or cobwebs. The most important thing about floaters is having a comprehensive retinal examination to ensure the retina is healthy.

Diabetic Eye Disease
Diabetic Eye Screening is essential to maintain vision when you suffer from diabetes. Mr Spiteri Cornish can recognize and treat early signs of proliferative diabetic retinopathy as well as perform surgery for advanced disease.

Epiretinal Membrane
This is a semi-translucent film of tissue found on the inner surface of the retina. In most cases it can be monitored, but sometimes needs surgical removal. As a Vitreo-Retinal surgeon, Mr Spiteri Cornish can advise you further.

Macular Hole
This is a small gap that opens in the centre of the retina, an area called the macula. As this is the light-sensitive part of the eye that is responsible for central vision, this condition can cause blurred vision, distortion and central blind spots. In the majority of cases, surgery is required. As a Vitreo-Retinal surgeon, Mr Spiteri Cornish can advise you further.

Retinal Detachment
This is a sight-threatening emergency that is caused by the retina detaching from the wall of the eye. This needs to be fixed as quickly as possible.

General Eye Conditions
Mr Spiteri Cornish is an award-winning fully UK trained Ophthalmologist with subspecialist training in Retina. He is happy to deal with all general eye conditions including Ocular Hypertension, Glaucoma, Lids lumps and bumps and many more. Feel free to ask before you make an appointment.